Vanya Ryan
Guelph, ON
For a limited time, FREE SHIPPING for orders in Canada and the United States.
To purchase an original Vanya Ryan painting, proceed to Checkout, click on PayPal and pay with a Major Credit Card option or your PayPal Account. Or you are welcome to email Vanya (see General Inquiries Form) with inquiry/order to proceed.
Once Checkout is complete, receipt will be available and a confirmation email will come directly from Vanya within 1-4 days with shipping details.
Canadian customers who would prefer to pay with e-Transfer must skip the Checkout option and email Vanya (see General Inquiries Form) directly to order and arrange payment and shipping.
Taxes included in retail price. Retail price listed in Canadian Dollars.
Once full payment has been received and confirmation of shipping address, order will be shipped via tracking as proof of shipment. Tracking number will be emailed to purchaser within 2-4 days of purchase. Every effort will be made to ship painting within 7-14 days, though shipping times vary and cannot be guaranteed.
Prices listed, are in Canadian dollars.
All Paintings are measured in inches.